People and people, Present and the future, the global company that connects between information and culture
Knowledge based machines, Confidence of IT enterprise
Company's progressive support towards the future
The mindset that combines the modernized technology and an amiable environment
Faithful and friendly image
Terra (land, the goddess of land) + Electronics
Shows that our company can to combine
all the different parts of machines in order to increase the value of modern technology.
Since our company connects people and people, Present and the
future, Information and the culture, we represent the new identity
of the future in this industry. Our logo includes the lower case letters
of "Y" and "P" and this represents the company's flexibility and
trustworthy image.
The green on the logo represents friendly environmental mind and
the confidence to lead the future. The flexibility and softness of the
logo and symbol portray the perfect, friendly company that others
can depend on.